Statistical Yearbook of Podlaskie Voivodship 2020

Date of publication: | 08.02.2021 |
The publication contains a rich set of data characterising the standard of living of population and the economic situation of the Voivodship grouped in 22 thematic areas. This year’s elaboration differs from the previous one – a new chapter entitled “Forestry and hunting” has been added and certain issues concerning geography and the administrative division are now to be found in the “Environment and environmental protection” chapter. Rounding off the publication, there are two review tables with major data on the Voivodship in the year 2000, 2010, 2015 and 2019 together with certain information regarding the Voivodship in 2019 against the background of the country. The statistical content is complemented with general notes containing explanations regarding terminology, methodology, and the scope of information in this elaboration. The date of entering the revised data: 09.02.2022 The revision of data concerns the share of “Machinery and equipment for agriculture and forestry” goods in domestic production in Chapter XV “Industry and construction”, table 2 (112) on page 127: in 5th column in 1st row from the bottom – the correction from 1.1 to 12.4. |